Mobile : +91 9898107618 , +91 9898352070
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Description Gayatri 15 3/4" Gayatri 20 1/2"
4 Shift 8 Shift 12 Shift 4 Shift 8 Shift 12 Shift 16 Shift
Part Numbers
Hield - Wiedr
111-4" 112-8" 113-12" 114-4" 115-8" 116-12" 117-16"
400 600 780 640 720 840 960
Width Weaving Withed 15 3/4" (40 C.M.) 20 1/2" (53 C.M.)
Overall loom 23" (58 C.M.) 28" (71 C.M.)
Height Open 24"
(61 C.M.)
(61 C.M.)
(61 C.M.)
(61 C.M.)
(61 C.M.)
(64 C.M.)
(64 C.M.)
Folded 13.5"
(34 C.M.)
NA NA 13.5"
(34 C.M.)
Length Open 33"
(84 C.M.)
35 1/2"
(90 C.M.)
36 3/4"
(92 C.M.)
(84 C.M.)
35 1/2"
(90 C.M.)
36 3/4"
(92 C.M.)
39 3/4"
(101 C.M.)
Folded 39"
(105 C.M.)
NA NA 39 1/4"
(34 C.M.)
Weight   16,500 - - - - - 30 KG
Free Item with Table Loom
1. 32 Count Read
2. Two Shuttle
3. Hield from with Wirehidd
4. Hield hook Two
5. 10 Nos loobin
6. Packing Charge Free
7. Not Tax Applicable

About Table Loom Machine (16 liver) : -

We have supplied looms & accessories to govt organization like weavers services center,gujarat state Handloom corporation , home science colleges and under govt scheme like DTP,MDTP,IHTP etc.

In innovation of new table top loom (16 harness) with extra beam has been by m/s gayatri furniture which has been highly appreciate by the nift, ahmedabad handloom fabric manufacture and people In handloom expo

The features of this new table top loom (16 harness) are as follows

  • Occupies less space
  • No need to strechhnad for lifting heild shaft as lever are at front and can be operated easily.
  • Can be easily open and close and less noice during this operation
  • Lock can be easily open to change hield shaft
  • Slay swing easily due to attachment of bearing
  • Reed can be easily due to hand tight nut
  • Handle is provided to cloth roller and warp roller for easy e off & take top
  • Light weight and easily movable
  • Very convenient to weave design up to 16 end and very useful to student to learn newer design
  • Ratchet wheel & panel let off & take up motion and whole loom is made from best quality teak wood